Custom Vow Renewal Invitation


The project I’m sharing today will always hold a special place in my heart. Not only was it a wonderful client experience from start to finish, it was a huge stepping stone in my little business’ life. This was my first project for a client who wasn’t a friend or acquaintance- although I consider her the former now.

Christina first contacted me the day before Caroline’s due date, saying she had found me through Minted and loved my design style. She and her husband Daniel were planning a vow renewal ceremony and looking for invitations and all sorts of printed pieces for the day of their ceremony. I had no idea when baby girl would make her arrival (a week late as it turned out,) but I just couldn’t bring myself to pass this project up. The timeline proved to be workable, and Christina was oh-so-patient throughout. Together we came up with the perfect invitations and accessories, each piece was truly a collaboration– I couldn’t be happier with how they all turned out!

Let’s get on with the pictures, shall we? All photos are courtesy of the fabulous photographers at Orange Turtle Photography.

The invitation was designed to be reminiscent of a cover page from an old book- a perfect fit for their subtle theme, ‘good stories’. The invites, along with a coordinating custom map were printed on thick 150# bamboo paper. Christina tied a string of twine around them to add a rustic element, and they were mailed off in kraft envelopes.

peng-invite peng-map

These next two photos show one of my favorite elements of the event decor: the escort cards strung from a tree branch with beautiful sheer ribbon. So pretty.


Christina and Daniel wrote individual notes to each of their guests, and placed them along with a handmade favor at each seat.


Tented table numbers, menus, and programs rounded out the printed pieces for their special day.


The icing on this project’s cake was seeing all of the couple’s thoughtful planning  and attention to detail featured in a lovely post on Style Me Pretty. Be sure to read their story and check out even more photos of their ceremony in the gallery. Their video is stunning as well- what a beautiful celebration for a beautiful couple!

New Site + A lesson learned


This is the little cake my husband brought home to celebrate the launch of my new website and some exciting steps forward in this little business of mine (side note: he’s pretty great like that). I’ve spent the last month or so working on this new look, and while I’m still adding to it and tweaking little bits here and there, it’s live and launched, and that is a good thing.

My motto throughout this particular re-design process has been “done is better than perfect.” The perfectionist in me that spent entirely too much time rearranging the photos in the portfolio galleries doesn’t buy it, but I’m slowly convincing myself that it’s the only way to keep moving forward and making progress. The cake incentive helps too…

So, without further ado, thank you for visiting, and please take a look around– I’d love to hear what you think!

Oh, and one last note/ cautionary tale: Back up. Always. Always. Back. Up. Long story short (as I’m sure you’ve guessed) I lost my entire blog in the launch due to a silly mistake, and now I’m having to rebuild the archives post by post. I had the structure backed up, but not the content. Argh. If you find yourself in a similar predicament, I’m finding google cache pretty handy!

Happy Monday, and have a great week! – Laura